Bring Magic to Your fair with Magical Katrina the county fair magician and state fair magician

Welcome to the enchanting world of Magical Katrina! If you’re a county fair organizer or planner looking to elevate your event with top-tier entertainment, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Magical Katrina can captivate your audience with her mesmerizing performances. We’ll also cover why she’s the perfect choice for your fair, her versatile show offerings, and how you can book her for your next event.

Experience Magic Like Never Before

Imagine seeing the wide-eyed wonder of children and adults alike as they witness the incredible feats of a world-class magician. That’s the magic of Katrina Kroetch, known professionally as Magical Katrina. With over a decade of experience and performances in 18 countries, she brings a unique blend of playful and whimsical magic that’s perfect for all ages.

Why Choose Magical Katrina?

Unmatched Expertise and Global Experience

Katrina has been enchanting audiences for over 10 years, performing in countries such as France, Germany, South Africa, India, Mexico, and the United States. She has been featured on numerous network television shows, including Masters of Illusion and Penn and Teller: Fool Us. Her accolades include first place at AbraCORNdabra’s virtual magic contest and Pacific Coast Association of Magicians Family Entertainer of the Year.

Versatile Performances for All Ages

Magical Katrina offers a range of performances tailored to suit different types of events:

  • Strolling Magic: Perfect for engaging small groups, Katrina's close-up magic is ideal for fairs where guests are mingling.

  • Stage Shows: Her captivating stage performances can entertain large audiences, making them perfect for main events.

  • Interactive Elements: From rubber band tricks to mentalism, Katrina’s shows include interactive elements that engage attendees of all ages.

Community and Advocacy

Beyond her performances, Katrina is a proud advocate for Magicians Without Borders and Emergency Circus. She has also lectured for leading magic organizations such as the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians.

How It Works

Book Your Event

Booking Magical Katrina for your county fair is simple. Just contact her team to reserve your date.

Tailored Magic Show

Katrina will customize her performance to suit your event’s unique needs, ensuring a memorable experience for all attendees.

Experience the Magic

Sit back and enjoy as Magical Katrina captivates your audience with her spellbinding performance.

state fair magic show female magician county fair

Testimonials for County Fair Magician Magical Katrina

Grace K.

Katrina performed at a Magic-themed birthday party. Both parents and children enjoyed the show, and everyone was clapping and laughing. Katrina engaged children as volunteers who were thrilled to assist with tricks. Katrina made the birthday girl float in the air, which was very impressive. At the end, each child received their very own magic kit to take home. Our daughter couldn't stop talking about how cool Katrina was and kept practicing with her kit. She was inspired and even made up her own tricks. Katrina is one of the few female magicians, and we applaud her.

Alyse D.

Magical Katrina performed a wonderful, funny, engaging, and totally WOW magic show for my daughter's 5th birthday party. This is a wild bunch of kiddos, and I was worried about whether they'd be into it, and I was so pleasantly surprised—they were completely enraptured with the show. Katrina had them laughing the whole way through and participating enthusiastically. She levitated my daughter, which was such a fun trick that the parents and kids alike really enjoyed. Can't recommend Katrina enough for your next event—she's the real deal!

Kristin B.

The Magical Katrina was amazing at our 6-year-old's birthday party. She was quick, funny, and able to keep the kids' attention for the whole show! (Adults too!) We added a workshop where we got to learn a magic trick, which we also provided as party favors. Awesome! Every guest loved her, and the parents have been Googling magic tricks all weekend because their kids are now really into magic!! Thank you, Katrina! I'll be contacting you for future events.

Trixie N.

Katrina was hired for my friend's Holiday Party, which I helped him plan. He decided to go all out with a live jazz pianist, open bar service, food, and of course, a magician. He can be very extra, and that is why he has been my friend for three decades! Magical Katrina was a doll and added to that extraness of the party. She was definitely a fun part of the evening. Katrina worked with what my friend wanted, which was an icebreaker for his clients, close friends, and family. She was perfect in how she mingled with the guests as if she were one of the guests. Katrina did a couple of magic tricks for me, including one where I had to draw my favorite animal on a card. Now mind you, this party had an open bar, so my drawing skills were a little wonky, which would have been the same if I wasn't drinking. I'm not going to tell you how the rest of the trick went because I don't want to spoil it for you. But it was pretty amazing, and we all got a laugh later about the animals that we drew on the cards. Magical Katrina did add a great flair to my friend's holiday party. Many of his clients and close friends said to him, "Wow, you really went all out and got a roaming magician? That's pretty classy! She was so fun!" I definitely agree with what everybody said, and she is definitely one smart cookie! I highly recommend Katrina for your event or party; she is quite magical!

Danielle C.

We hired Katrina for our wedding reception because we wanted something a little different. Everyone loved her! She had a lot of fun up-close magic and gets people involved. We had a few friends asking for her info afterward so they could hire her for their own events. Highly recommend!

Fair Magician Magical Katrina for sate fair and county fair magic show

The Undeniable Charm of Magicians at State and County Fairs

There’s a special kind of magic that fills the air at state and county fairs. The scent of cotton candy, the vibrant colors of carnival rides, and the joyous laughter of children contribute to this timeless experience. However, amidst the bustling fairground, a crucial element seems to be fading into the background—the magician. Imagine the scene: a small crowd gathers, eyes wide with anticipation, as a magician conjures the impossible right before their eyes. This enchanting image is not just a relic of the past; it’s a vital thread in the tapestry of fairground entertainment that we must revive.

The Lost Art of County Fair Magicians

Magicians have always been a staple of public entertainment, tracing back centuries to a time when their presence at fairs was commonplace. In medieval Europe, magicians, often referred to as "conjurers," were the highlight of community gatherings. They brought wonder to the lives of ordinary people, providing an escape from everyday life. This tradition carried into the 20th century, with magicians becoming synonymous with fairs and carnivals, where they performed their tricks to the delight of audiences young and old.

The Modern Audience for County Fair Entertainment

In today’s digital age, where entertainment is often confined to screens, the allure of live performances holds a unique charm. Magic, in particular, offers an interactive experience that cannot be replicated by any online platform. Watching a magic trick unfold in real-time, feeling the suspense, and sharing the collective gasp of amazement with fellow spectators is an experience that transcends the virtual world. Magicians bring a touch of tangible wonder to our technology-saturated lives, reminding us of the joy of live, unmediated entertainment.

The Magic of Inclusion at County Fairs and State Fairs

One of the most enchanting aspects of magic is its universal appeal. A magician's performance captivates audiences of all ages and backgrounds, creating a shared experience that bridges generational and cultural gaps. Children are spellbound by the seemingly impossible feats, while adults are transported back to their own childhoods, lost in the nostalgia of simpler times. This inclusivity fosters a sense of community, as people from diverse walks of life come together, united by their shared sense of awe and wonder.

Economic and Social Benefits for having a Magician at the County Fair

Including magicians at fairs is not just about preserving tradition; it also brings tangible economic and social benefits. From an economic standpoint, unique attractions like magic shows can boost fair attendance, drawing in crowds eager for an unforgettable experience. This influx of visitors translates to higher revenue for vendors, local businesses, and the fair itself. Socially, supporting local magicians and performers enriches the cultural fabric of the community, providing a platform for artists to showcase their talents and sustain their livelihoods.

Magic Shows at County Fairs and State Fairs

State and county fairs are more than just annual events; they are cherished traditions that capture the spirit of community and celebration. By bringing magicians back into the fold, we can preserve the enchantment that makes these gatherings so special. Let's urge fair organizers and communities to reintegrate magicians into the fairground lineup. After all, the magic of a fair isn’t just in the rides or the food—it’s in the shared moments of wonder that leave lasting memories. Bring back the magicians, and keep the spirit of the fair alive for generations to come.

Performance Packages for county fair magician magical katrina

Magical Katrina offers flexible performance packages to fit the needs of your county fair.

Magic Half Day

  • Duration: 3 hours of strolling magic or 1-2 20-45 minute shows within a 3-hour window.

  • Rate: $1,000-$2,000

Magic Full Day

  • Duration: 6 hours of strolling magic (with a 1-hour lunch break) or 2-4 20-45 minute stage/street magic shows.

  • Rate: $1,500-$2,500

Headliner Illusion Package

  • Duration: Full day of strolling magic and multiple stage shows with grand illusions (up to 6 hours of strolling magic).

  • Rate: $2,000-$6,000 per day depending

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum Booking: At least 4 days, with 2 full weekend days required if the fair is over the weekend.

  • Hotel: A hotel within 15 minutes walking distance or a $125-$150 daily stipend for hotel booking.

Book Magical Katrina Now for your County Fair Entertainment

Don't miss the chance to bring a magical experience to your county fair. Book Magical Katrina today and ensure your event stands out with unforgettable entertainment.

Join the Magic Revolution

Join the ranks of satisfied clients and make your next county fair a magical event to remember with Magical Katrina. Your audience deserves the best—give them a magical experience they’ll never forget! For more information, check out the articles featuring Katrina in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post, and more. Click [here] to read them all!


FAQ for magician at State and County Fairs

How much does it cost to book Magical Katrina?

The cost to book Magical Katrina for your state or county fair depends on several factors including the duration of the performance, the type of magic show (stage or strolling), and the specific requirements of your event. For accurate pricing, please contact us directly with your event details.

How does the stage show work?

Magical Katrina's stage show is a full-fledged magical experience designed to captivate audiences of all ages. The show typically includes:

  • Interactive Magic Tricks: Audience participation is a big part of the fun, making each show unique.

  • Mind-Blowing Illusions: Prepare to be amazed by tricks that defy logic and reality.

  • Comedy and Entertainment: Laughter and wonder go hand in hand, ensuring everyone has a great time.

The stage show can be customized to fit the theme and schedule of your county fair. Feel free to reach out to discuss your specific needs.

How does strolling and close-up magic work?

Strolling magic, also known as walk-around or close-up magic, involves Magical Katrina mingling with guests and performing intimate, mind-boggling tricks right before their eyes. This type of magic is perfect for creating a lively atmosphere and is highly adaptable to various settings within your fair. Here's what you can expect:

  • Close-Up Tricks: Card tricks, coin tricks, and other small-scale illusions performed up close.

  • Personal Interaction: Guests get a personal magical experience that is both memorable and engaging.

  • Flexibility: Magical Katrina can perform anywhere at your fair, ensuring everyone gets a chance to enjoy the magic.

Why Choose Magical Katrina for Your County Fair?

Magical Katrina is a seasoned county fair magician known for her dynamic performances and ability to engage audiences. Whether it's a grand stage show or enchanting strolling magic, she brings a unique charm and professionalism that enhances the overall fair experience.

For bookings or more information, please contact us

county fair magician magical katrina