Magical Katrina

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Being a Female Magician

Being a Female Magician

I'm Katrina, a female magician based in Los Angeles. I've been performing magic for over 10 years and I absolutely love it. I get to travel the world, meet amazing people, and perform some really cool tricks.

However, being a female magician comes with its own set of challenges. For one, there aren't that many of us. In fact, according to The Huffington Post, women make up only about 5% of professional magicians worldwide. This can make it difficult to find mentors, colleagues, and peers-particularly if you're just starting out in the field.

Additionally, female magicians often face discrimination and sexism from both men and women in the magic community. I've been told by male magicians that I'm "not a real magician" because I don't do "real" magic like they do (i.e. big illusions and larger stage shows or overly complex or boring card tricks) . And I've been told by female magicians that I'm "not a real woman" because I don't fit into their idea of what a woman should be (i.e. nurturing, caring, and passive) and I don’t fit into what a magician should be either (more masculine, not feminine, more prudent and conservative).

It can be really tough navigating the world of magic as a woman, but it's also incredibly rewarding. I love being able to inspire other women to pursue their dreams and follow their passion for magic.

If you're thinking about becoming a female magician, or if you're already one, here are three things to keep in mind:

1. There are challenges, but also rewards

2. You're not alone- there are other female magicians out there who are supportive and amazing

3. Keep your head up and don't let anyone stop you from being the amazing magician and person that you are!