Hire a Female Magician in Los Angeles

Hire a Female Magician in Los Angeles

Are you planning a major event? Are you wondering how to keep your guests entertained? A female magician is the ideal solution.

Magicians are versatile to meet a wide range of entertainment needs. Their mystifying performances will have your guests talking for months. They will make your events memorable.

While any magician can provide exceptional entertainment, a female magician will bring a fresh voice. They will offer a unique element that makes your event stand out from any other. They will promote inclusivity which can show host companies in the best light.

Why Hire a Female Magician for Your Los Angeles Event?

Your Event Will Stand Out

Los Angeles is a crazy city. It seems like ten million things are happening at any given moment. You need unique entertainment to make your event stand out.

A magician is remarkable at any event. Their exceptional acts will stun and amaze your guests. They will make people more likely to attend your event and leave a lasting impression to attract guests to future events.

Consider how much more intriguing your event will be if you hire a female magician. According to Zippia, only 13.3% of magicians are women. The number is closer to 3-8% when you consider the female magicians in certain areas of the world and how many perform on stage.

Give your guests a rare opportunity to see a female magician in action.

Magicians are Versatile

A magician’s versatility means they can perform at any type of event. Their acts can be family-friendly for children’s birthday parties, or they can adjust their approach for adult-oriented events. The options are nearly limitless.

Here are some event types that are perfect for magician entertainment:

·  Virtual Magician: Magicians can offer virtual entertainment to bring their show to you regardless of where you are. They can offer magic-learning online workshops or provide their services for customized performances, happy hours, cocktail parties, and other get-togethers.

·  Birthdays: A magician can entertain at a children’s or adult’s birthday party.

·  Corporate Events: Not sure what type of entertainment to hire for your corporate event?  A magician will be the subject of water cooler talk for years to come. Your boss will be impressed by your ingenuity.

·  Weddings: Brides and grooms fascinated by the supernatural will be delighted to hire a magician for their special day. Magicians are known for making weddings even more exciting.

·  Strolling Magicians: Magicians don’t have to perform from a central location. They can walk around events making them ideal for festival settings. They can also go from table to table at venues to ensure each guest enjoys a personal show.

·  Trade Shows: A magician can provide entertainment at trade shows for the magic industry- or any other industry.

They Get Everyone Involved

Parties are meant for socializing. A party where no one’s talking is just no fun.  A magician gets everyone in the act promoting socialization.

A magician often asks for volunteers. Even the shyest person at the party may come up and perform. Guests will be swarming around them asking them if they have any insight into the magician’s darkest secrets.

Guests will also talk amongst themselves to dissect the performance. They will wonder how each sleight of hand was carried out. The performance will break the ice and get everyone to interact.

They Promote Attendance

Throwing an event is a risk. Anything can go wrong at any given moment. But one of the worst things that can happen is, no one shows up.

In a crazy town like Los Angeles, with so much going on, you have to give people a reason to come to your event. A magician’s performance is a huge incentive- especially if it’s a rare performance by a female magician.

A magician ensures your event will be a success and gets people talking for weeks or even months. Los Angelenos will hear of your event and want to attend future ones.  You will become the party king or queen of your scene.

Shows a Wide Range of Emotions

Magicians can transport guests out of their ‘everyday zones’ by showing a wide range of emotions. Their shows can be funny, mystical, enchanting, and even scary. Regardless of the emotional focus, they will transport guests from the stresses of everyday life and provide a unique experience.

Low Maintenance

There are several options for event entertainment, but few are lower maintenance than a magician.

If you hire a band, you must think of how you will accommodate them. You will need a fairly large stage, a PA, lighting, and more. You must make similar accommodations for a dance group or a deejay.

A magician is easy to accommodate. They don’t need a large area to perform. They can even wander through your event to perform for small groups.

Unlike some other types of entertainment, you only need to rely on one or two people. You don’t have to worry about the horn player being late or the third ballerina getting sick. A magician is limited to one point of contact making them easy to organize.

Also, because a magician is only one person, they may be a cost-effective solution.


Magicians can be suited to any type of event. They can express various emotions to suit the desired mood. They can entertain at small and large venues. They can further customize to offer the perfect entertainment solution.

Themed events are all the rage. You can work with your magician to fit the theme of your event. Consider a magic act with a horror theme, a fairy tale theme, or a theme that represents an iconic decade.

Your magician will personalize their act to complete the evening.

A Female Magician Promotes Inclusivity

Women have made great strides in the entertainment industry, but they still have a long way to go. The small number of female magicians attests to that fact! Hiring a female magician shows a sense of inclusivity which can go far at corporate events.

It also brings a fresh voice to your affair. A female magician offers a unique perspective and a sense of creativity. Some say they are more expressive and uninhibited.

In the past, stereotypical magicians were men. Parents bought their sons magic kits thinking they would wear top hats and pull rabbits from their sleeves.

Female magicians are breaking boundaries and inspiring young girls. Hiring them supports the new direction of the entertainment industry.

Making Memories

Special events should be memorable. Birthday parties, weddings, corporate events…they are occasions people should remember forever.

Magicians make these events unforgettable. They provide unique entertainment. They take people through a wide range of emotions to make these occasions stand out in their minds.

Hire Magical Katrina for Your Next Los Angeles Event

Magical Katrina has been making strides as a female magician. She has performed in 18 different countries and worked in touring shows and on network television. She has won five different magicians’ awards.

Katrina is extremely versatile. She has performed at weddings, children’s parties, corporate events, and so much more. She specializes in stage illusions and close-up magic and enjoys incorporating storytelling and humor into her shows.

Hire Katrina to make your next Los Angeles event a special one.

Katrina Kroetch