Magical Katrina

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How to Build Team Spirit in the Virtual Office

How to Build Team Spirit in the Virtual Office

The pandemic has forced many of us to work from home, and this shift has brought with it a unique set of challenges. One such challenge is virtual team building. After all, how do you build team spirit when you’re not in the same physical space? Without the usual office amenities and activities that bring people together, it can be difficult to foster an environment of camaraderie and collaboration. Luckily, there are still plenty of ways to make sure your remote team is connected and engaged—you just have to get creative! Here are some tips for virtual team building.

Video Chatting & Hangouts

The simplest way to stay connected is by regularly video chatting with your teammates. This doesn’t have to be a formal meeting; sometimes just having an informal chat can help build rapport between coworkers. You can even organize small group hangouts or happy hours where everyone can catch up with each other outside of work. Schedule these events on a regular basis so that everyone in the group knows when they will take place. This will give your team something fun to look forward to each week!

Virtual Events & Activities

Virtual events and activities are one of the best ways for teams to bond and build relationships without leaving their homes. Depending on the size of your group, you can plan scavenger hunts, trivia nights or game tournaments over Zoom or any other platform that allows video calling. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also organize virtual escape rooms or mystery games similar to those found at real-life escape rooms! These types of activities are great for fostering collaboration as well as getting everyone comfortable with each other in a fun setting.

Team Challenges

If you’re looking for something more low-key but still engaging, arrange a series of challenges that your team members must complete within a certain time frame like baking a cake, doing yoga or learning a new language! This type of challenge encourages camaraderie as everyone works together towards completing their individual tasks while also staying connected virtually throughout the process. Plus, once everyone finishes their challenges, you can compare results over video chat or email--a great way for teammates from different geographic locations to come together in celebration!


Virtual team building is essential for maintaining morale and productivity amongst remote teams during these unprecedented times. By utilizing video chatting & hangouts, planning virtual activities & events and organizing collaborative challenges, companies can ensure that their employees continue working together cohesively despite being physically apart. In addition to boosting morale among remote workers, these activities also foster creativity and collaboration which are key components for any successful team! So get creative and start planning some virtual bonding sessions with your colleagues today!